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Idioma: inglês 'The Craft of Baking' is designed to help home bakers think imaginatively in order to expand their repertoires with new and fresh combinations. The reader will learn how to make Karen's celebrated sweets, such as Apple Fritters with Caramel Ice Cream and Apple Caramel Sauce, White Chocolate Cupcakes with White Chocolate Cream Cheese Buttercream, and Raised Cinnamon-Sugar Doughnuts. The book also shows tips on 'varying your craft' to transform Grandma Rankin's Cashew Brittle into Pumpkin Seed Brittle and to alter a cobbler recipe to make Rhubarb Rose Cobbler in the spring or Mixed Berry Cobbler in the summer, for example. Karen's suggestions for 'combining your craft' -such as serving Almond Pound Cake with Apricot Compote and Lillet Sabayon-reveal how easy it is to take desserts to the next level.

Especificações técnicas de The craft of baking - cakes,cookies and others sweets ideas

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